Benha Faculty of Medicine seeks to achieve excellence and leadership and keep pace with continuous development in the field of medical education and scientific research at the local, regional and international levels...


Benha Faculty of Medicine is committed to qualifying competent doctors capable of competition and scientific advancement. It also pledges to support scientific research in a way that serves the development...


Developing and developing the college’s role in creating an attractive educational environment and preparing competent doctors within the framework of comprehensive quality standards...


Announcing the results of the international publishing and citations competition for July round 2023

Prof.Dr. Nasser el-Gizaway, the acting president of the university states that the technical committee of the assessment of the internationally- published faculties’ members research papers has finished the assessment of announcing the results of the international publishing and citations competition for July round 2023. These results come in accordance with the enhancement of the University’s scientific production and the encouragement of the faculties’ members to publish their research papers in the international journals. It’s noteworthy that the grievances will be available to submit for a week starting from the date of the announcement on the following E-mail:

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The grievance holder should submit his name, faculty and the research paper number as there is no grievance to be appealed without having these conditions.

Benha University honors the dinosaur- discovering researcher

Prof.Dr. Nasser el-Gizaway, the acting president of the university honors the researcher/ Bilal Salim, the assistant lecturer at the geology department in the faculty of science and the member of the fossils team in Mansura University. The acting president of the university thanks prof.Dr. Sherriff Khater, the president of Mansura University and prof.Dr. Hisham Salam, the head of the researching team for supporting the researcher in his scientific endeavor and having mutual research cooperation between both Universities. Prof.Dr. Nasser el-Gizaway says that the University is full of many young scientists in the various research and scientific fields and the university is keen on providing an appropriate and stimulating atmosphere for the researchers so as to be able to link the research papers with the society problems.

The acting president of the university inspects the faculty of physical therapy and the external clinics

Prof.Dr. Nasser el-Gizaway, the acting president of the university conducts an inspecting tour of the faculty of physical therapy and the external clinics with prof.Dr. Walid Talaat, the acting dean of the faculty and its vice deans. During the tour, he inspects the administrative offices, the lectures halls, the students’ activities, the nutrition classes designed to raise the awareness of kids’ proper nutrition and the external clinics. On the sideline of the tour, the acting university president holds a meeting with the faculties’ members to be well-acquainted with the preparations of the new academic year and facilitates the obstacles of the faculty’s educational and research processes.

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